
Reflection Of An Autism Health Team

Decent Essays

On Thursday, September 28th I got the opportunity to talk to Caravel. I talked to Jamie Deuchars. This company is an autism health team and they work to help children with autism and families develop skills, connections, confidence, and opportunities. They are mostly therapy but there are jobs that are helpful with the business aspect. With a business degree you could help with working with money and donations coming into the business. With a business administration degree another job one would do could be working books for employees, like payroll. Someone with a business administration degree, like myself could also possibly become a manager too. Jamie also mentioned degree’s don’t matter all too much in this company, they just look for …show more content…

They also said you would need skills like organization, customer service skills, and be able to communicate and follow-up with customers. Those are just smaller skills needed. With a business degree you could sell products, work with credit, and working with money. Farmers buy feed, seeds, and even soil from Ross Soil Services & Reedy Agriculture. So with a marketing degree you could work to sell the products for the best price for the customers, and make profit at the same time. Credit and money is important to businesses, someone with a business degree could work to fix numbers and find out revenue. I thought this company was interesting because they had mentioned I could work for Animal Nutrition Sales. That would be cool because I really like working with animals, and I like doing sales. That would be the perfect job to me. Some questions I would ask, would be if they have any other branches of the company in different locations. I would also ask about the work place environment. I would prefer to be outside the office everyday, so I would like to know how the work place environment is there. But overall, this was my favorite company I met with out of all of them. On Thursday, September 28th I also got the chance to meet with Blain’s Farm & Fleet. I met with a man named David Schneider. This company is retail business working to sell mostly farm equipment. They do sell other things, but mostly

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