
Reflection Of Communication With Parents

Decent Essays

When becoming an educator people have to remember that you’re not just working with children. Working with their parents is a huge part of the job too. Most parents want to stay informed on their child’s education so communication to them plays a huge role. I thought the parent panel was excellent. I think there is no better way to understand a child than to hear inside information from their parent. After leaving the panel I felt more prepared than ever in regards to communication with parents as a future educator. I gained a great deal of insight from listening and asking questions in the parent panel. I gained an understanding of how important communication is. All the parents would like to be contacted by their teachers once a month …show more content…

Jackie really seemed to like the weekly homework packets and so did I. They are great for children who participate in after school activities so they can double up on homework on Tuesday night if they know they have to be at dance class all night Wednesday. It was a general consensus that parents also want to know how to challenge their child with work. I also learned to send home books at the child’s reading level so parents don’t have to worry about figuring out what that is. I gained so many useful tips from these mothers that I will most definitely use in my classroom. I also couldn’t believe how many Apps teachers can download on their phone to get in contact with parents and record how the child is doing in class. Dojo, Powerschool, and Remind were a few that that the parents have mentioned. I thought it was awesome that if a teacher is giving out ‘Dojo Points’ that the parent gets the notification on their phone right away for what the child earned or lost the point for. I think this is a great way for communication as well without actually speaking over the phone everyday. When the child comes home from school the parent can see exactly what kind of day their child had. It was mentioned that these Apps have a communication part of them as well. Teacher and parents can text back and forth on the App. I thought this was a cool feature because it’s an easy and fast way of

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