
Reflection Of My Family : The Aspects Of The Family

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My immediate family has four people in it and I’m the youngest. In my extended family, among all my cousins on both sides, I’m also the youngest. For a long time, this has made me kind of sad and frustrated. I love babies and children. Although we have pets I can take care of, it’s not the same thing as having a younger brother or sister. Until recently, I never thought I’d have something close to this opportunity. I’ve always wished that I could be a big sister so that I could help care for and have an impact on a younger person’s life. Last October, an ordinary day became very special. On that day I found out that my Youth Pastor, Rev. Becca Bateman, was pregnant! Becca has been an important part of my life and someone I admire. To me, Becca is an example of a good person and someone I want to be like when I grow up. Becca is very caring, welcoming, loving and makes me feel safe. and makes me feel safe and loved. So when I found out that she was pregnant, I imagined that there would now be a mini Becca and twice the fun! After the big announcement, the next few months seemed to take forever. Every day I would ask my mom “Is it a boy or a girl?” My mom would always respond, “They still don't know. I will tell you when I find out.” So I waited until the day came and my mom finally said, “Becca is having a girl!” As I heard those words come spilling out of her mouth, I swore my heart skipped a beat. Although I was really happy she was having a girl, I really wouldn't have

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