
My Family : The Greatest Role In My Life

Decent Essays

I’m 17, I’m 5’7, I’m productive with my time, I typed this essay and my family has a tremendous role in my life. With the guidance of family, interests, and the places I’ve been, I have determined the future I want to pursue. My family has shaped me into the person I am today. For example, my family has educated me on the essential factors of life, such as driving, manners, DO’s and DONT’s and basically almost everything I know today. It was a scorching summer day when my 15 year old self and my mom decided to teach me the basics of driving on a back road near my house. We roll down the windows to let the hot air from the car escape and the overpowering smell of gas leaks into the car. I’m taking one quick last glance at my mirrors to ensure my mirrors are properly adjusted. I shift gears and I remember stepping on the pedal viciously and my mom starts yelling from the top of her lungs to stop the car and watch the speed. She showed me how to improve my turns by slowing down along with my placement of my hands on the wheel. After all that I was frightened and never wanted to drive again in my life, but nevertheless I was extremely grateful being taught. With the guidance of my mom on teaching me how to drive I have now had the opportunity to go from Point A to Point B. As a result, I want to pursue on doing the same for my children or really anyone learning how to drive to give them the same experience I had. My interests have encouraged me to become the person I am today

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