
Reflection Of The Ell Student

Decent Essays

It was this student’s first day in the classroom. The teacher informed me the student had just transferred from the ICE program. The ICE program is an independent study program. The teacher felt as though the student did not make a good impression. She explained that normally new students check in with her when they arrive. She was dismayed that he sat himself. She explained, “So I re-assigned his seat because I was like, ‘oh no.’” This was an effort by the teacher to show the student that the teacher was in charge and he needed to defer to her. She was aware of his side-conversations, but felt he got more on task as the period progressed. She let his behavior slide a little because it was his first day, and apparently, he is supposed to be a very good student. The student liked being in class because he was in class with his friends, but was bored because he already learned the material the class was covering that day. The social aspect of school is what he enjoys the most. He doesn’t care too much if he doesn’t seem as though he is paying attention in class because he knows he will get a good grade, regardless. “This class is stupid,” he said. Perhaps for him, it is. EL Student This student has only been in the United States for two years. His family is originally from Guatemala. He likes the school and feels his teachers do a good job. The hardest thing for him about adjusting to school in the US was finding his way around. “The schools here are so big,” he explained.

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