
Reflection Of The Multisystem Family Course

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Reflection of the Multisystem Family Course The purpose of this reflection paper is portray the knowledge that I have learned throughout this semester regarding the multisystem utilized to identify traits and behaviors associated with the assessments of family members. Marta Lundy’s article gave a brief history of theoretical integration as she describe a multi-systemic, multi-theoretical integrative model for social work practice, even though each reading assignment was associated with a movie or a book provided by the instructor and required all students to provide a written analysis. The introductory of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutic (NMT), an evident based practice approach teaching the class of the clinical problem solving therapeutic technique, working with children, families and the communities and was accompanied with information on the various types of trauma and understanding the definition of trauma such as physical vs. psychological trauma; and restorative trauma. What I found interesting during the course, schools are now using the NMT to develop programs implementing procedures correcting a behavior that may have caused a child to act out dysfunctional behaviors. Although, the NMT study the sequences of a problem starting when the brain initially began to develop and analyze the stages to determine where the problem may have occurred leading to introduction of an article entitled, “Child brain” taken from the child Welfare Information

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