Critical thinking is very important in every aspect of life. I chose to put the Separation Lab as my first critical thinking artifact. I think this lab is a great demonstration of the critical thinking I needed to use. My partner and I needed to brain storm methods to separate each of the substances. When we first started the lab, I was overwhelmed. I had no clue how to do it. I learned some patience, I just needed to relax and think it through. We had to think about which one would be easiest to remove first and discussed how we would separate it from the rest. Once we got going into separating everything, the next one was even easier. I then realized that it was a lot easier than I anticipated. This lab enhanced my skill of problem solving. Critical thinking can be used in any situation outside of chemistry. All you have to do is break down a situation and look at it closer. The …show more content…
This gave me a better understanding on how the airbags in cars work. All cars should have air bags because they are an excellent way to lessen the effects of a car accident. When we first started this lab, I was excited to watch a chemical reaction occur. It was interesting watching the difference in speed, firmness, and temperature between heated copper carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate mixed with vinegar. I got to compare which gas produced would make the best airbag. It helped me determine what things are key into making a good airbag. My next artifact is unit conversions. Unit conversions are a good tool to have in life. There are many times you need to convert something into a different unit of measurement. For instance if you get a weight in kilograms and you need to convert it to pounds. Cooking and baking is a great example of this as well. Sometimes a recipe will give you a measurement in oz, but you need it in grams. So you have to do some conversions to figure out the equivalence of grams to
Critical thinking is described as unbiased, clear and factual thought process that helps any student with any decision-making process. Critical thinking is an essential tool that every student will need to master to continue academic success. There are multiple phases of critical thinking as described by Benjamin Bloom which include remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. The critical thinking process starts by remembering. If we can remember what we read and apply key facts we will be able to move forward to understand what decisions we need to make. From there we can then apply the facts to the decision we have to make and innovate, or create, as needed.
Leo mentioned in his video that critical thinking is independent thinking and it helps with solving the problems/obstacles in life that are holding us back. The critical thinking video of Leo supports why people should try things so they can learn to overcome their obstacles or problems in life. In the video it also gives more reason to try things instead of not trying; it helps with learning to be independent when trying things that we could fail at. I can personally relate to Leo’s video, because I’m afraid at times of trying new things that require independence since I mostly try not to be socially active with people. But still there are times when I have to overcome my fear of talking to people and just do it, give things a try even though there's a possibility of failure; it’s better than not trying things and not knowing what the results could’ve been.
Critical thinking helps me to make the right decision in my daily life. Every time that I have to decide something in my life, I first brainstorm to make the right choice. Every decision I make in life, it can make a change on it. One of the best ways I can relate it with my personal life is when I was going to move to Canada.
Personally speaking, critical thinking is an undervalued and underutilized tool. When confronted by a problem with another person, most people just react. In these situations, I have learned to take a step back, take an objective look at the situation, and make an informed judgment/decision. By applying critical thinking to my personal life, friendships, marriage, and my relationship with my children will have a greater chance of success and less negative confrontation.
years of experience, I found critical thinking as a way of judging and responding the issue, and it
Some examples of how I would use critical thinking in my day to day life is not just using for conversation between classmate and co-workers, but also daily situation that like to pop up now and then. My first example is whether or not I should eat some delicious, flaky, mouthwatering gluten packed food item
Voltaire once said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking” (“Voltaire Quotes”) What Voltaire intended to convey was that extensive and critical thinking can allow people to arrive at rational solutions to problems. This is one of the reasons why the significance of thinking critically has become a popular issue that is discussed about in educational systems nowadays. It is imperative that students develop critical thinking skills and not just blindly be taught what to think, but rather how to think. Pure memorization will not lead to authentic learning; instead, encouraging critical thinking is what will help students evaluate problems and make reasonable decisions. As humans are susceptible to emotions, critical
Just to give an example of critical thinking , I will give an example of employee confusion in the workplace and how I resolved it using several of the twelve steps listed in this unit regarding creative problem solving. I work in an office setting , therefore, several of us sit close by to one another. One of my co-workers had a bad attitude and would get in trouble for the way she would speak and reply back to the customers. She was not friendly at al to us and would keep to herself during break and lunch to avoid any confusion or confrontation. Often times we would have a potluck at work to celebrate birthdays, marriages, and the birth of a child. She would decline to participate and we never knew why. So one day I decided to reach out to her , I was able
The critical thinking process can be broken down into eight elements. These elements are: purpose, question, information, conclusion, assumption, point of view, concepts, and implications. While all of these steps aren't vital to the critical thinking process, most of them have proven to be very helpful in my college career. Instilling critical thinking skills into us as students has been a goal of SCC since I have been here, these skills are an important part of any education as the will translate into the work environment.
(DeBruin, Parker, & Fishhoff, 2007). A study in the journal intelligence found that people higher in fluid reasoning, a concept closely linked to critical thinking, outperform others in producing creative idea, and better able to benefit from strategies that promote creative thinking (Nusbaum & Siliva, 2011). Research also show the problem with a non-critical thinker is they are unable to change their concepts. Uncritical thinkers get stuck using the same concepts or use incorrect concepts to interpret the world. (The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management p.276) While a master critical thinker forces their minds to think of different ways of employing or integrating the same things or ideas. (The Radical Revolutionary Strategic Management p.276) This evidence shows that critical thinkers are very good decision makers and problem solvers. Critical thinking requires an important thinking process, which allows people to make choices using different reasoning and facts. If a critical thinker is not able to adjust their mind set on different viewpoints, they will make decision based off emotion and not evidence or facts (A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking). For example: Quality assurance of case files processed through our department is important. It is highly scrutinized on a government level. The rate of
Every day as an instructional aide I use my critical thinking skills when deciding whether an impending conflict will escalate to violent behavior, deciding on how to approach a student Everyday many employees of organizations use their critical thinking skills in countless decisions, critical thinking skills are not the only skills used by employees, but they are the most important. As an employee I use my critical thinking skills when applying to the policies and procedures of my organization, making determinations, making predictions and problem solving more so on-the spot decision making, and
Critical thinking has an important role in learning and development because if properly executed it allows me to see the entire situation instead of the individual task. I plan to take the necessary actions to determine the task with open eyes and an unbiased approach. Remembering the facts about the situation can help in resolving the issue. Understanding by reiterating the problem can help me further comprehend. Applying then analyzing the tasks and or situations so I can prepare the steps to come to the evaluation. I can see if the resources are accurate and thorough. The last thing I should be able to do to assure my critical thinking skills are complete is a form of creating. I take all the information of this situation, and use it in my final resolution. These steps are crucial in the ability to think clearly and not be clouded by biased information.
Critical thinking is something I don’t do very often, sometimes I just judge from looking or listening to what I see or hear but this is something I will learn with time. To learn critical thinking I will follow the steps that are required because critical thinking is something we have to learn because we are not born critical thinking. One is identifying what we are talking about. Then we have to gather information about the theme that we are talking about. The next step is to look for evidence and consider alternatives or other people points of view. Sometimes we do not want to accept what other peoples opinion is about something and that is wrong because we might learn from them. Finally we choose the best possible alternative after we have gone thru all this. Using critical thinking will allow you to make better decisions not only in the work place but also in our day to day lives. Maybe one day you will have to make a life changing decision in your job.
The concepts of critical thinking and creative thinking are both gaining increasing importance in the world today. Critical thinking allows people to understand difficult concepts in a manner that is clearer and more defined. They can more readily understand those concepts if they employ critical thinking. In all portions of everyday life, a person is expected to make independent judgments. Those judgments are based on experience and knowledge. Without the ability to think critically, every situation that a person comes across would have to be considered in isolation from all other situations. When a person encounters a problem that is a new one, he or she may be able to use critical thinking to solve those problems.
Simpson and Courtney (2002) state "an important step in problem solving and decision-making is the need to utilize critical-thinking abilities to reframe a problem or situation." Critical thinking involves questioning all the features of a situation and analyzing solutions.