
Reflection On Autoethnography

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Autoethnography means a way for me to provide meaning of my experiences at a in-depth level and “opportunities to cast a critical eye on aspects of own practice” (Lambrek, 2005, p. 230). As I looked into the research paper which used autoethnography as method people expressed that it offered them a way to expand their knowledge, to achieve reflective insights that would not have happened through other methods of research. During (2009) L. Alwin stated that autoethnography enabled him to “get at another, deeper, level of learning that is, to get at a wholeness, a synthesis of my life lived (self) and my profession field (culture)” (p. 62). By going through the process of writing my stories using personal informations, and describing emotions and events, I am better able to send myself back to those experiences. By doing so, I got to have a better analysis of myself within the social, cultural, institutional and interpersonal context in which they happened as well as consider how they relate to other experiences in my personal life (Young and Meneley, 2005). Since one of my goals in this thesis is to become a better person …show more content…

It is a qualitative approach to research which offers researcher an opportunity to come to understandings about experiences, either personally or professionally. Reflexive relationship between living, telling, retelling and reliving of life stories is the primary key to the narrative inquiry process (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000, p. 71). In order to unveil meaning among our past and present experiences and use these understandings to develop, improve, grow in the future we need to do more than tell our stories, we must retell them. It is in the retelling and rewriting of experiences that understandings are uncovered, new theorectical understandings transpire, and that we begin to transform ourselves and see new possibilities for practice (Clandinin & Huber, 2010; Conneclly & Clandinin,

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