
Reflection On Being A Group

Decent Essays

As I was able to experience group and discuss my goals, as a member and as a leader/co-leader, to be more reserved and pull back from the leadership role would be my most difficult task during the process. The group would teach me to be a better listener and listening would help me build trust with other group members as each session would bring up commonalities amongst us. Throughout the sessions, our group would experience all four stages and toggle back and forth between a few, but we would slowly progress towards being capable of co-leading groups and having to look for less direction from our professor, who acted as the group leader for the majority of the sessions. The role of being a leader has always come naturally for me, so coming into the group, my biggest goal was to sit back and listen, be a member more than a leader, and allow for others to assume the role. From the first session through the fourth, I had a difficult time not speaking about myself or any issues I had going on in my personal life because I wanted to hear other members voices, not my own. Being able to hold off for over a month has made that goal an accomplishment and having learned more about each group member has made my goal of listening met as well. At first, listening to silence and observing the group helped me recognize that we were in the initial stage of the group, because the group members were not taking risks to speak and waiting on other group members to to express themselves.

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