
Reflection On Learning Objectives

Satisfactory Essays

This essay will reflect on the assessment of the learning objectives agreed with two supervisor/s. The nature and objectives of the placement involved learning various techniques for film-making and creative problem-solving in a Christian environment. My assessment from said supervisors was very positive with few critiques. The overall experience was astounding, yet at times perplexing. Being away from home was a new and surreal experience yet it met my expectations. My personal goal was to put my full efforts into the placement and wanting to leave knowing I did all I could with no regrets; I succeeded in this goal.
My mindset for achieving said objectives was to maintain patience and treat every day as a new way to achieve new goals. …show more content…

I have struggled with emotions for the most part of my life and I believe God has given me that as a gift. What used to haunt me was turned into an exciting venture in that single sentence. I apologised for my behaviour as it was unprofessional and immature of me and they understood my frustration. We worked around that issue by allowing me to have more short interludes whilst working to avoid built-up annoyance. Our solution to the problem definitely aided my attitude towards my work. This was something new that I learnt about myself and although the experience of that day was unpleasant, I am thankful that it happened.
The Supervisor’s Assessment is fair and complimentary – I was pleased to hear that my Supervisor’s commented on my traits, such as “great courage”, “enthusiastic” and that I had “great potential”. This is encouraging as this is the field of mission work that is appealing to me. There isn’t much more to be added to my overall assessment – it was an experience that cannot be written. Some comments on the assessment I already knew about myself and some I didn’t think much about; it was great to see how much they noticed about me in that short period of time. It was very much a personal experience that happens within myself. I returned from my trip a new and confident individual with a new found love and appreciation for

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