
Reflection On My Spiritual Journey

Decent Essays

As I reflect on my spiritual journey, I cannot help but marvel at the grace God has lavished on me. Looking back on my early childhood, I can honestly say that I cannot remember a day without Christ being the center my life. Much of this was due to the fact that I grew up in a very strong, Christian household. Time and time again, my parents would (and still) never cease to show Christ’s love and mercy for me. However, although I was surrounded and shown the Gospel by both my immediate and church family, I never felt pressured into my faith. Although I grew up as a “pastor’s kid” and was baptized as an infant, my family made it very clear to me that it was my own decision to accept Jesus Christ into my heart and that no one could do this …show more content…

In everything that I do, I want to give God the glory and praise and to have my life be a reflection of His love and faithfullness.
I desperately want to be a part of this team because of my heart for China and for ministry. Ever since I was in high school and went to Rockbridge for Prayer Over Night with my YoungLife leader and I first heard about IECS, the Lord has placed in me an overwhelming desire to go back to China and to serve through this ministry as a way to advance His kingdom in China. Additionally, I know that this would be an incridible opportunity to give back to YoungLife as a supporter of your outreach, because of the way that it has greatly grown and impacted my faith. As a team member, I understand that though I am going to serve and teach English to Chinese college students, I am being invited to build relationships with the students and to earn their trust so that I can ultimtely love and share the gospel with them. I am aware of the dangers of sharing the gospel in China due to their communist government and the need to be both careful and flexibile, but know that the Lord will do incredible things in and through us and will protect us. After watching an IECS presentation and getting to know an IECS Chinese college while on Summer Staff at Lake Champion this past summer, I know that many, if not all, of the college students who we will be ministering to place their values on

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