
Reflection On Service Learning

Decent Essays

For my service-learning assignment, I will be assisting students with their English via, Learn English Online (LEO). Our first week was used as an Open House, where we tried to work out some technical errors, and get a feel for the program we will be using. This was our first week of LEO, and I had only one student, Suyuan Chen, a 26-year-old PhD student from China. Since it was an Open House, there wasn’t an exact lesson for the week, but I did take the opportunity to go over Past Tense Verbs with Suyuan. I had her tell me stories about previous vacations, so I could hear her use verbs in the past tense, and help her correct her speech. Suyuan, also had some issues when it comes to using plurals, and singular forms of a noun, we worked on

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