
Reflection On Student Learning

Decent Essays

Written Reflection #2
As a teacher, our responsibility is to plan effective lessons for our students to learn from. Although, the hardest part of being a teacher is grasping the student’s motivation to learn. Therefore, the educational philosophers Borich and Wong have different approaches to make us effective teachers motivate our students to learn new and exciting teachings. These different methods may include a wide range of how teachers run their classrooms, or what specific standards are being targeted, and maybe even how effective their planning techniques are. Not to mention, students may also expect positive expectations from the teacher and ways to help them succeed. On the other note, inviting students to learn may be easier than thought, in which may result in positive student behavior. Thus, my opinion of what Borich and Wong have to say about student learning is very beneficial to me so, that one day I may use their techniques in my very own classroom.
In chapter 4, in the Borich text book he clarifies the different ways to manage a classroom through three different systems called humanist tradition, applied behavior analysis, and classroom management tradition. A subdivision topic under the humanist tradition mentions cooperative learning has proven statistics to gain student learning rather than whole group instruction. Borich clearly states that students tend to be “bored”, “frustrated”, and “disruptive” when being taught in whole group instruction (Borich

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