
Reflection On The Ella Baker School, New York

Satisfactory Essays

The Ella Baker School - New York, New York

"My first apartment in New York City was 350 square feet, so I've always been interested in “creating space.” If I teach students to create a space that also purifies water and brings food to the table in a low-income neighborhood, I make math real for 7th and 8th grade students. So that’s what I’m exploring with my Captain Planet grant.

I’m fortunate to work in a progressive school where teachers are given guided freedom to develop our own responsible curriculum."
- Michael Paoli - Grant Project Leader, 7th/8th grade math and science teacher

IMG_0019Mr. Paoli did research that laid the groundwork for his 7th and 8th grade students to design and construct a custom Aquaponics system in their school

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