
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Over the course of the semester I felt challenged in several aspects of my writing during each paper that was assigned. Having the freedom of choosing my own topic and being able to focus and gain and thorough understanding of it throughout the course of the semester made writing truly enjoyable. Given all of these difficult assignments I believe that I have grown as a writer as a whole. Going through the process of writing a rough draft, editing that rough draft several times until the final product, although it seemed extraneous, in the end all the work payed off. The essay that seemed to pose the most challenging for me was the inquiry essay. It was not easy to find that balance between being informative, supporting my main arguments with personal knowledge and scholarly sources all while focusing on answering my main question “how is one’s psychological state affected when living with a chronic illness?”. As a result I decided to focus on my inquiry essay for the revision assignment, along with the feedback and suggestions I have receive from you along with Jina not only on the inquiry essay, but other essays that I wrote on the topic of chronic illness, that I believed pertained to this assignment. The first aspect of my essay what you noted was lacking was found in the introductory paragraph. After reading over it I understand why, the question seems to blend in too much which in actuality it should not. The question should protrude to the audience, resulting in my

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