
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

This is my second year at Longwood. Before coming here, I attended Richard Bland College with the hopes of being a pediatric physical therapist. Throughout the years at Bland, the hopes of being a P.T. changed. I have had different career goals I wanted to be a juvenile probational officer and a social worker. I always knew I wanted to work with kids and be an important figure in their lives. I grew a liking to kids when I became an Aunt. I have two nieces and two nephews and over the years as I watch them get older I enjoyed being around them. Every time I attend a family gathering you could always find me hanging with the kids. It was much easier to be myself around them because of my personality. I consider myself as an energetic, silly, playful, and compassionate individual. My journey at Longwood has not been easy due to my academic situation, choosing a minor, and future.
When entering Longwood, I was unsure what I wanted to do. I asked the people who knew me the best what do they see me doing in the future. They all replied working with kids, with me already having that in mind I was still lost. Then the person who knew be better than anyone my twin sister said a Teacher. I thought long and hard and realize deep down that was what I was meant to be. I found an interest in teaching, the idea of motivating and educating the young minds inspired me. I became a kindergarten tutor at Prince Edward Elementary. I tried to complete the requirements to teacher prep program,

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