
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout this semester teaching the theories that resonated with me the most were: Cross and Fhagen-Smith’s Model of “Black Identity Development”, and Yasso’s “Community Cultural Wealth Model.” As a minority these two identities have shaped my life profoundly. My personal theory philosophy comes from my lived experience and my time working as graduate assistant in the Multicultural Center.
As a first generation, African American woman I credit student affairs with much of my academic and social success. I went to college believing isolation was the answer to my success and found out shortly that to be successful I would need to be involved. At my first institution I became involved in activism, protesting the merge of all public HBCUs in the state of Mississippi. I transferred shortly after where my love for community service worked grew and I started to devote much of my time to the community center on campus. I soon joined a sorority, were I held an executive position. Through these organizations I was able to develop lasting relationships with student affairs faculty.
It wasn’t until my tenure as a graduate assistant in the Multicultural Center that I realized my life purpose was a career in student affairs. The uniqueness of working in diversity/multicultural field is that it embodies all the theories covered in our semester readings. Watching the personal growth of the students I encountered daily, affirm that though academics is important the student’s experiences

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