
Reflection Paper

Good Essays

Every year since I was I child, I have attended camp and was presented a new challenge to accomplish there. One year for example, the challenge was to build a boat that wouldn't leak . The only materials we were given were plastic sheets, duck tape, cardboard, and spray paint. My cabin and I struggled at first as to how to build the boat. So my friend and I started thinking of a plan that everyone would agree too. We would first tape over the gaps on the card board then for extra protection we put three layers of the plastic inside and out and sealed it down with the duck tape. Things were going well until we tested the boat in which it leaked and started sinking. My cabin started arguing about whose fault it was for it not floating. After I broke up the argument, I suggested we add more layers of plastic and more duct tape. After the repairs we made to the boat, it was a success and ready to take to the lake for the competition. We ended up winning the competition which brought great satisfaction to me knowing how hard I and the rest of my team had worked . 7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? I enjoy spending time helping at soup kitchens. It takes hours of preparation and hard work to get all the food prepped and cooked. Once the food is cooked and ready we open the doors for those in need. Meeting the people that come through those doors and hearing their stories is a life changing experience. There was one woman who

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