
Reflection Paper On Interviewing

Decent Essays

The majority of the courses I have taken during my experience, as a Human Development and Families studies major at the University of Rhode Island, have been completed strictly because it was a course requirement. However, Introduction to Counseling was a course I was looking forward to with the hopes of enhancing my interpersonal skills both my personally and professionally. I currently work as a Family Support Specialist at The Autism Project, helping to support families and professional whether it be to gain a better understand of Autism, develop strategies to implement at home or in the classroom, or even provide emotional support after a family has received a diagnosis or had a particularly challenging day. …show more content…

Looking back at my first interview, I was only capable of using three skills open and closed ended questions along with very little paraphrasing. Of course, I knew to ask questions and reiterate some of what the interviewee stated in search of additional information in some areas. What I realized when looking back at my first interview, besides it being extremely flat, is the lack of connection between myself and the person I was interviewing. The student did state some problems she was having at work, but in a very surface level type of reference in comparison with my third interview, in which I applied several additional skills like restatement, reflection of feeling, focusing, .and summarizing along with offering some self-disclosure and logical consequences where we discussed challenges at a more meaningful and deeper level. When reviewing the third interview, I noticed richer content with the interviewee offering more personal information. I learned family background information, including some trials and struggles the family had underwent when the father was sick, and the family struggled financially. My student I was interviewing spoke openly about her internal conflict of following her dreams versus living up to her family expectations which are very important to her. I was able to relate some of my past experiences relating to a similar decision I had to face, which I believe helped the student

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