
Reflection Paper On Leadership

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In my Leadership Reflection Three paper, I asserted that leadership is fundamentally a process. My defense was that leadership is a relationship, which is lived out over time, thus a process. However, now it is clear to me that leadership is not fundamentally a process, but rather a relationship. By analyzing my interviews with Daniel Del Nero, Mitchell White, and Billy Upchurch, I have concluded that the caliber and nature of a leader’s relationship with their followers is the crucial characteristic of leadership. Daniel Del Nero’s leadership is very admirable, and it is an honor to call him one of my best friends since fifth grade. He and I attended the same middle and high school together. We both did seven years of band together …show more content…

He described how the band director would say “Here is what you need to do” and Daniel did not have any freedom to explore other options. Daniel’s role was essentially to follow the director’s instructions. His dream and motivation for being drum major was to get people to enjoy band. He described his freshman year as being a time “surrounded by negative attitudes about why we were out on the field”. He sought to change band into an experience that people would enjoy and ultimately thrive in. However, this clashed with the director’s goal: to be a competitive band on the state level. Daniel frequently felt stuck between wanting to make band fun and having to follow the director’s harsh restrictions. When describing his experiences with emergent leadership, he said that he only feels comfortable stepping forward as the leader if he has ample technical skill in that area. If he feels he is under-qualified, he will stay back. Likewise, he will try to assert himself over the emerging leader if he feels that his more skilled than the leader. As a follower, he wants a leader who is a healthy balance of both directive and supportive; he gets frustrated when a leader is too polarized to one extreme. He values technical and people skills equally. If a leader is severely lacking in one or both of these skills, then in Daniel’s opinion, they are unfit to lead. According to Northouse (2016), “problem-solving skills, social judgment skills, and knowledge are at the

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