
Reflection Paper

Satisfactory Essays

During my time as a toddler, I enjoyed being thrown into the pool by my dad and learning how to use my small arms to dog-paddle back to him. There were times when my movements were not enough to keep me from descending, which caused me to become overwhelmed with angst. That was usually my dad’s cue to jump in and save me. This is when I first learned the basics of trust, kick-starting a new concept I used to always believe in. I began to have faith in my father, thinking he would always be there for me. Sadly, that picture went away the minute alcohol became the main problem. I never realized the underlying issues my parents had with each other until a summer day in 2008 when my mom attempted to take my dad to his weekly Alcoholic Anonymous meeting, that was when my dad did something that he would regret for the rest of his life. When I look back at that incident, I see my mom rushing me to get in the car, telling me not to look back, and hoping I would not ask questions about what was going on after seeing that terrified, tear-stained look on her face. This was the first time he would get arrested, and unfortunately, would not be the last. It was not until a few months later that I found out my dad was also branded as a sex offender. Growing up, I had to face the fact that my dad was not there anymore. I developed a new mindset that I could not depend on people no matter how much I believed in them, and I needed to take initiative. My dad’s decision led to me be exposed to

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