
Reflection Paper

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The school that I work for is Parkview Middle School. Parkview is in Jeffersonville, Indiana and is part of the Greater Clark County School district. Our current school grade for 2017-2018 is a B. Currently our pass rate for ISTEP+ is 62 percent. Analysis The characteristics in the classrooms and literacy environments of Parkview that contribute to the learning of all students includes the district wide literacy framework that we follow, utilizing our literacy coach, professional development and literacy resources. The literacy framework that my school varies by grade level. Sixth grade students receive a 110-minute literacy block that includes mini lesson, direct/explicit instruction using pacing guides, gradual release model (I do, we do, you do) collaborative work, vocabulary/word work and guided reading using leveled literacy instruction kits (LLI). Seventh and eighth grade students only have a 49-minute literacy block that includes the mini lesson, direct/explicit instruction using pacing guides, the gradual release model, collaborative work and vocabulary/word work. In addition to their literacy block, students in the bottom 25 percent of ISTEP+ scores receive a 49- minute IMPACT time, in which teachers using guided reading, independent reading and small group instruction to meet the needs of struggling students. The attitudes regarding literacy are open and supportive. The staff seems to understand that literacy relates to every subject area. Our principal really

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