
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Over this course, my writing has significantly improved. I have learned a lot of new skills that have helped me become a better writer. Writing drafts has always been difficult for me, and in this course, I learned how to write drafts that helped me write strong final essays. The essay that demonstrates my progress as a writer is my progression 2 essay. In this essay, we were asked to use multiple sources and use them both to work together to analyze an issue relating to a river. My writing 101 class is on water, politics, and place. I wrote my essay on the Columbia River and the impacts that government policies have on the health of the river and the ecosystem surrounding it. This essay shows my progression as a writer because I worked on the writing process by writing drafts, but also shows one of my weaknesses of incorporating quotes.
In my first part of the common assignment, I wrote about how I wanted to work on writing drafts because that was one of my biggest weaknesses as a writer when I entered this class. When I would write essays, I would write the entire essay at once, do a little revision, and turn in the paper. With this essay, we had to write two drafts. The first draft was very helpful because we had an outline of questions and points we should have in the final essay. This draft helped me create a detailed outline that I used to write out my next draft. On my first draft, I wrote out what points I wanted to include in my final essay. In my outline of my

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