
Reflection of Care Management

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The aim of this assignment is to write a reflective commentary on scenario 2 (Mrs Green) and how it has assisted me in meeting the module learning outcomes and build up my clinical skill such as Privacy and Dignity, Personal Hygiene, Elimination, Fluid Balance. Catheter Care, Pressure Area Care, Moving and Handling, Observation and Rapid Assessment.

Kim & Loretta (2003), stated that Atkinson & Murphy (1993) identified the key skills needed for reflection as ‘self awareness, the ability to recollect and describe accurately key aspect of the situation, critical analysis of the situation and synthesis of new knowledge gained with the previous knowledge, in order to develop a new perspective’. I will discuss, …show more content…

Before I started the assessment I used alcohol gel to decontaminate my hand. NICE (2006) states that hand must be decontaminated before each and every episode of direct patient care. It is important to decontaminate my hand to prevent cross-infection of micro-organisms from staff to patient, for example Hospital Acquired Infection. I realised that I am going to have contact with body fluid and blood therefore I put on a pair of latex gloves and disposable plastic apron. Wandsworth Teaching Primary Care Trust May (2008) states that ‘Personal Protective Equipment is designed to protect the healthcare worker from coming into contact with potentially infectious body fluids. It may also protect the patient from the healthcare workers own microbial flora’.

I and my colleague systematically assessed the patient using rapid assessment (ABCDE) and observation of vital sign. ABCDE mean assessing patient Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability and Exposure. Vital signs consist of blood pressure, pulse temperature, and respiration rate. They are essential basic observation that provides information on which clinical decisions are based and for identifying when any nursing or medical intervention is required according to Lina and Barbara (2008 p59).

The recording of Fluid Balance is an important role of the nurse, I assessed and recorded the fluid input and output, I ensured that all

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