
David Schön Model Of Reflective Practice

Decent Essays

“As important as methods may be, the most practical thing we can achieve in any kind of work is insight into what is happening inside us as we do it. The more familiar we are with our inner terrain, the more sure footed our [work] – and living- becomes.” P. J. Palmer (cited in Skovholt, T. M., 2001).
The pursuit for self-awareness or self-understanding is a chief factor of valuable reflective practice. Counsellors need not only to be conscious of their abilities, facts and presentation as professionals, but also wary of any private aspects that may mess with or obstruct their capability to supply an efficient and objective service. Counselling professionals in their everyday practice encounter unique and difficult circumstances which may …show more content…

This course lent focus to a host of different models associated with reflective practice which was necessary to demonstrate proper counselling professionalism. One such model in particular refers to the work of David Schön who was very instrumental in developing concepts of self-awareness in relation to the aspect of reflective practice. Schön (1987 in Sharpy, 2005) identified two types of reflection that

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