I am asking for a review of ticked 70005 that I was given on July 3, 2015. The violation was parking outside the yellow lines. I want to make a statement and that is I understand being ignorant of the law is not a defense for breaking the law. However one has to be aware of the law to be in compliance. First thing I want to ask is when and how is the Parking and Vehicle codes given to staff and or students. I asked several other staff/students and they were not aware of the hand book either. It is possible I asked the wrong individuals I did not want to make a big deal of the situation, it was suggest by a law enforcement personal. Goggle: I did goggle Joliet Junior College and the handbook was available 11.2 Parking and Vehicle Codes
Parking shall comply with ANSI A117.1 and IBC regulations, including required number of accessible parking stalls. Per IBC Chapter 11, 5% of total parking spaces, but not less than 1 space, shall be made accessible. And for every six or fraction of six accessible parking spaces, at least one space shall be a van-accessible parking space.
Protection of the public is crucial throughout the entirety of the project. Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship is being constructed on a very busy campus, in a populated area. Controlling and detouring traffic, people, and parking around the site properly will be of grave concern. The entire construction site will be enclosed in 6 ft. high chain link fence and where pedestrian safety is exclusively endangered outside this area, barricades will be placed to inform persons of possible safety hazards. If any visitors are brought to the project site, proper safety orientation will be successfully completed and they will wear proper PPE.
Obstructions, including bicycle racks, shrubbery, parked vehicles, merchandise displays and trash cans, must not be present in the accessible space, access aisles or along the access route. Make sure that everything is out of the way and that the entire route is clear of accumulated leaves, trash or other debris.
Since the vast majority of students that attend college drives a car, Miami Dade College had to find a place where students could park their car without taking the risk of being towed or ticketed. So the college administration allied at a first instance with Miami-Dade County to let the students park at the 117th avenue which is right behind the college buildings. The real problem came when the Miami-Dade County didn’t let them park there anymore. Consequently, MDC had to find another place to let them park, so they moved the parking site to the International Mall, which is about 3 miles from the campus buildings. Finally they got an agreement with IKEA to use the upper parking of the
In the case of Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660 (1962), the Supreme Court ruled that a law may not punish a status; i.e., one may not be punished to being an alcoholic or for being addicted to drugs. However, of course, one may be punished for actions such as abusing drugs. The question becomes; What if the status “forces” the action? What if a person, because of his/her addiction to drugs, is “forced” by the addiction to purchase and abuse the illegal drugs? Would punishing that person be unfairly punishing a status?
The use of deadly force is used throughout the U. S. , and the definition of deadly force is best described by the FBI which states that : deadly force is the intentional use of a firearm or other instrument resulting in a high probability of death. But who determines when it’s okay for a police officer to use deadly force?
In regards to the Fire Prevention Code, the entire building will remain within a one hundred fifty foot arc from a fire hydrant. All curbs will be painted red with a four inch (4”) white lettering stating “FIRE LANE – NO PARKING –TOW AWAY ZONE”. Wording will not be spaced more than fifteen feet apart. We will have to instruct our manager that no one can abandon or close the fire lanes without written permission of the Fire Official of the City of College Station. Not doing so, will risk any officer issuing a citations for any motor vehicle, trailer, or boat found parked, unattended in the fire
“Ethical issues regarding corruption and off-duty behavior have become an increasing challenge in criminal justice” (Writing, 1999-2013). Within the criminal justice system, ethics can be complicated by the moral implications of actions. Differences in cultures and different circumstances can affect the individual moral compass. However, all departments of criminal justice operate by a certain code of ethics and by certain standards. But those standards and ethics often become challenged due to issues relating to police brutality, off duty conduct and corruption that we hear about all of the time through the media.
When it comes to large sums of money, it is not uncommon for the spender to feel they have been ripped off or become over protected. The practice of law is no exception to this phenomenon, and crocked lawyers and paralegals have negatively contributed to the notion. On several occasions law professionals have taken client money for personal use, acting against the law and rules of professional conduct. Although lawyers and paralegals have their own individual rules and guidelines to abide by, they follow the same professional structure of proper conduct. The rules of conduct for paralegals is governed by the Law Society of Upper Canada and is the governing body responsible for reports of misconduct. Further investigations will lay out the proper procedures and tasks that must be completed when a paralegal encounters an accusations of misconduct, specifically when a client accuses a paralegal of misappropriating money from the clients trust fund. When it comes to possible options it is important to remember that by proactively sending a report of the circumstance to the Law Society of Upper Canada with a detailed list of events, bookkeeping and accounts billed to the client will help your case prior to the client reporting you to the Law Society. Should a paralegal choose to ignore the threat of the client, in hopes that the client will not follow through with higher involvement, the paralegal will then face an audit by the Law Society. If the Law Society is apprised that the
I think that its never ok to break the law under any circumstance But I think the state and us government have way to much power. I think that state government are taking away are right for free speech and putting outrage's regulations on us. I think that we should be able to have free speech we can say what we want as long as its is no harm to other people. The government is taking away part of are first amendment right the right for free speech. And I will not stand for this. People should be able to voice there options and people need to learn how to deal with it instead of acting like children about. If people are disobeying laws they should be punished but I do not think its right for the government to make outrages laws that are unconstitutional
Traditionally, the positive image of a company or a brand is very important in the contemporary world. As a result, the question of morality of each individual working within an organization is of a paramount importance. In such a situation there should be no exceptions from the rule and executives could not be in a privileged position. This is the desirable ideal many companies strive to achieve at least in a public eye. However, the reality turns to be quite different from what is expected and the analyzed case of an executive’s double standard is just another evidence of the fact that the real life is so complicated that the common rules, including moral
“Ignorance of the law is no excuse”. That’s the standard line drivers hear when they say didn’t have any knowledge of the speed limit, or gun owners hear when they say weren’t aware about the gun laws in the jurisdiction they happened to get apprehended. Still that ignorance is quite understandable in an America where precisely about everything is being criminalized. As citizens, we’re expected to have the knowledge of all of these laws and obey them.
In this paper I am going to identify some the legal and ethical issues in My Sister’s Keeper. Some of those issues include emancipation of a minor, genetic engineering, and limited termination of parental rights. I will be giving my opinion on these matters also.
The rule of law is a difficult concept to grasp and proves elusive to substantive definition. However, the following work considers the attempts of various social and legal theorists to define the concept and pertinent authorities are considered. Attitudes and emphasis as to the exact shape, form and content of the rule of law differ quite widely depending on the socio-political perspective and views of respective commentators (Slapper and Kelly, 2009, p16), although there are common themes that are almost universally adopted. The conclusions to this work endeavour to consolidate thinking on the rule of law in order to address the question posed in the title, which is at first sight a deceptively simple one.
The first code is labeled Standard 1: Legal Compliance. This code states that an educator must abide by state, federal, and local laws and includes but is not limited to the