
Reflective Essay On Individuals With Exceptionalities

Decent Essays

Throughout my whole life I have grown up around individuals with exceptionalities. For me judging other individuals was never an option, it was learning to understand why they were different that me. My mother has worked in the health field, both in group homes and assisted living programs for the past 16 years. Throughout those 16 years, I would go with her to work on various occasions and help her with residents. Living my life in this atmosphere molded me into who I am today. The feeling of happiness I gain from children and individuals with exceptionalities helped me to know this is exactly where I am suppose to be. Therefore, my past experiences have made me excited to work in a classroom of children that have different backgrounds and exceptionalities. Since I was in fifth grade, I knew that I wanted to be an elementary teacher. It simply started off with liking school and my teacher. Then, as I was grew up and gained a better understanding of individuals with personalities, I thought that I could fall in love with special education as well as elementary education. I’ve had great experiences of being a teacher’s assistant for various classrooms and getting to working with children of all different backgrounds. Some children live their life's harder than others, but that is alright. That just means I have to do my job and find a teaching style that they can understand to help them grow to their full potential. I have also worked with many elderly individuals who have

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