
Reflective Essay On Outdoor Education

Decent Essays

One of the great aspects of Jesse Remington High School is the Outdoor Education program. Whether it be going hiking, going to Moore Park, or going to the tennis court, everyone always has plenty of fun and gets challenged in different ways. One of the events this semester that I really enjoyed and valued from would the the Fall Mountain Retreat Hike.

The Fall Mountain Retreat Hike that I went on this year was in Vermont. Mr. Philbrick led the way on the very first Vermont hike for this retreat. Although it was a mild hike, we still had some challenges faced. At certain points, there were boulders in our way, so we crunched down to hoist ourselves up through them. Once we finally made it to the top, there was a beautiful cabin with a phenomenal view. Not only that, however, but there was a water tower! Most of us climbed approximately forty feet up and got a better view than ever imagined.

On this hike, I learned an amazing amount of knowledge about myself that I did not know before. One would be that I am very squeamish when it comes to walking through spider webs! But more serious than that, I learned that taking a risk and not letting my fears control me will benefit me in the long run. I am terrified of heights, but with a bit of a nudge from others, I climbed the forty foot tower. Despite being nervous on the way up, when I got to the top, it was as if I I had no fear at all. The view was overwhelmingly breathtaking! One last factor that I

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