
Reflective Essay On Poetry

Decent Essays

I Remember the first time I ever read poetry it was a middle school I just start seventh grade in the classroom was very decorative covered the pictures of men and women I had never seen before and phrases from which Im assuming are from their books painted the walls as if to tell their life story.Though Rose of desk each Saudi offer another as if notes on a music sheet just to show our uniqueness as we walked in we each found a seat car teacher took Center Stage and introduced herself as Miller she had a funny way of speaking when she spoke she made sure her her words rhyme as if she were a character from a dr. Seuss book after she had gone over in the class syllabus the class rules and what was expected of us she told us what our first assignment would be we would be writing a poem our own unique poem not found in any type of book when we asked her how would we do that she told us the different types of poetry we could use she gave us examples of famous authors such as Edgar Allan Poe or Nick Frost she didnt write it off the name of musicians and singers saying they were also poets and we could Taylor our poems around their forms she gave each of us a book to take home and read so we can study forms of poetry as I got home and I started reading poet poetry from the book and listen to music so I can better understand how I was supposed to try to pull myself one that was meaningful in that sense of the word as I spent hours trying to come up with a meaningful pole nothing

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