
Reflective Essay On Self Esteem

Decent Essays

Self-acceptance is an extremely prevalent issue that numerous people struggle with. It is one of the hardest to surmount, for it is something I still struggle with to this day. Overall, my journey is a working progress as it will perpetuate to have its downfalls to test me. Like many of my generation, social media has played an excessively paramount role in our lives, both negatively and positively. Sources of harmless entertainment have also unintentionally encouraged self-judgment. Be that as it may, my perspective has been widely opened unexpectedly through a speaker’s presentation as she showed us how to recognize our self-worth. Confidence and self-esteem are hard to acquire for some, but it should not be a quantity you divest yourself of. Self-acceptance of all insecurities and doubts is paramount since every individual has a unique beauty that should be cherished in order to pursue a life full of love and jubilance.
During my sophomore year in high school, we had a Career Day with several guest speakers. They had split us up by gender, the girls stayed on the right side of the school while the boys stayed on the left. We could not enter the opposite sides considering we had presentations concretely for each group. As the boys had speakers to discuss the development of a gentleman, we had speakers addressing topics relating to makeup and on how to be a lady. Towards the end of the day, my friends and I decided to choose our last presentation randomly. As we entered the room, there was this resplendent woman with a surprisingly cordial atmosphere. She addressed us as if we were her own children; you could sense the love she had for positivity before she even commenced to speak. She gave us a background story of her childhood during our age, for she too had struggled with accepting herself with all her insecurities. She described her several encounters with bullying and how it had impacted her self-esteem even though she appeared so vigorous and confident. I admired that about her the most, not once did she ever show the slightest bit of weakness, yet she too had relatable problems. Then she mandated us to indite down the worst thing someone had ever verbally expressed about us, even if it were of our own

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