
Refugeeone: A Case Study

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The organization that best supports the millions of Syrian refugees left destitute by the Syrian civil war is RefugeeOne, an organization made to respond to humanitarian crises across the globe. Founded in 1982 as a non-profit resettlement agency in Chicago, the organization has helped displaced people of the Cambodian and Rwandan genocides, victims of the Iranian revolution, and now Syrian refugees fleeing from the civil war (RefugeeOne). 80% of the staff, including Melineh Kano, the executive director of the organization, know all too well what the refugees are facing, as they were once refugees themselves (Campbell). Because of the personal experience that they possess, they are further able to understand the refugee’s needs, and can therefore …show more content…

They have also resettled refugees from nearly every major humanitarian crisis since 1980. Kim Snoddy, RefugeeOne’s assistant director of development, says that every year, the organization usually resettles around 500 refugees, while with the Syrian Refugee crisis they are projected to help between 600 and 650 refugees (Campbell). Overall, they have assisted 2,500 people from various different humanitarian crises (RefugeeOne). Because of this, they are considered to be the the largest refugee resettlement organization in Illinois, and one of the most widespread refugee organizations in the country. Additionally, according to their 2014 annual report, RefugeeOne has provided mental health care 132 survivors of the brutal violence, and secured jobs for 198 refugees. 322 children have been provided academic support and enrichment programs, allowing them to grow and excel in both the academic world and the real world. All of the accomplishments this organization has had and the personal connections that the staff has with the people being helped makes RefugeeOne the best organization to work with on this

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