
Regatta Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

This weekend I covered the Damariscotta Pumpkinfest and Regatta for the second time. I still love seeing all the different pumpkin art in front of businesses, watching the regatta (despite cold rain) and photographing the parade. This year’s highlight, however, was the words of wisdom I received from this incredibly insightful nine year old. I had stopped to chat with April Morrison and Leon Vanella after the parade when this kid saw my camera. He pointed at his own, and then suggested we take a photo of each other at the same time. (Full disclosure: I think he took a better photo of me than I took of him.) In between bites of a brownie, he showed me the pictures he had taken throughout the day (all of which were awesome) and answered a number of questions, including whether this was his first time at Pumpkinfest (it was) and where he got his camera (from the adults who were standing nearby, who …show more content…

At the end of the interview he shook my hand, thanked me for my time, and told me he hoped I had a nice day. A+ parenting.) I asked him if he wanted to be a photographer when he grew up or if he had another dream job in mind. He said he did want to be a photographer, but he also wanted to be a singer, a programmer, and a YouTube. And then he dropped some knowledge. “I don’t really have a dream job, because I don’t know what my dream will be when I’m grown up,” he said. “People change when they get older, and their dreams change, so mine will be different when I’m older. “I guess my dream would be to just be happy,” he finished and shrugged. This nine-year-old has life more figured out than I could ever hope to. We chatted a little bit more about why he likes photography (“it helps you keep memories you’d forget”) before he and his parents were going to head back into Damariscotta so he could take more photos of the pumpkins. When I was about to walk away, he called after

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