
Registered Nurse Anesthetists

Decent Essays

Service personnel experience a tremendous number of traumatic experiences while in service. These traumatic experiences include situations such as different forms of explosion, gun battles, vehicle crashes, helicopter crashes, intense fear, seeing fellow service members dying as well as a feeling of helplessness (CITE). These are situations that an average American can simply not fathom. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) who work with service personnel typically do understand these traumatic experiences. In this article, Wilson and Pokorny conducted a study to understand the experiences CRNAs have with service personnel who have traumatic brain injury (TBI) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and are emerging from general anesthesia with emergence delirium (ED) (CITE). There are no studies in literature that contain information on patients with these specific problems, which makes this study important. Wilson and Pokorny hope other researchers will get involved to help learn more about this subject and get the service personnel and CRNAs the advanced medical help they need.
Major Headings From May 2005 to December 2005, the 228th Combat Support Hospital in Mosqul, Iraq treated …show more content…

The nine criteria are as followed: Phenomenological nod, resonancy, reasonableness, representativeness, recognizability, raised consciences, readability, relevance, and revelations (CITE). The phenomenological nod is when the researcher nods in agreement during the interview meaning that what the interviewee said makes sense. For resonancy in this article, the descriptions of the CRNAs experience is powerful and can draw readers in and allow them to reflect on their own experiences. Recognizability is when the researcher becomes more aware of what is being experienced by the participants (CITE). These are a few examples of what each criterion

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