
Rehearsal-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

It’s the end of the season now. The weather outside is getting cold, the leaves are falling, and the smell of winter is coming. After school I go to the auditorium for play rehearsal. We begin discussing about what parts we each will be responsible for. I’m not doing very much on the stage in the beginning because I don’t have a part assigned until a later time. To be honest it’s very boring when you don’t have a part during a play rehearsal. We are taking a break and I began contemplating the last cross-country race we had as a team.
Its 4 o’clock in the evening and we are warming up for practice. Our coach talks to us for a couple of minutes before we start running:
“I wanted to let you know that we only have one more practice left until our regionals meet,” He said. “We have got to push ourselves in practice these next 2 days, okay!” States coach. …show more content…

It’s the day before the meet. The entire day I am thinking about the race. I keep thinking to myself how difficult it will be to beat my last time. It’s finally the end of the day. After practice I get my things ready for the meet. I go to bed and try not to think too much about the race. When I get up the next day my mother begins motivating me for the race, which pumps me up for the competition. I arrive at the school the next morning prepared to get on the bus and run a great

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