
Relational Database : A Database

Satisfactory Essays

Relational Database

Introduction – What is a relational database
It is a database which shows the links and relationships between two sets of data/stored information in a document or mainly entities. This means e.g. if a computer system has to store a lot of data/information about people instead of repeating the same row of information which may include personal or unnecessary things, you will then be able to click on the main primary key data which then leads to the actual personal things. This is the relationship between the primary key and foreign key. Ians & Co will benefit with a relational database as it has many links to primary and secondary data. Ians & Co being a large company will have a lot of data which means it will be …show more content…

The purpose of a relational database for Ians & Co is to help them with the small team of IT technicians they will be taking on. A relational database will help this small team as it will be easier for them to handle data and keep track of all information going in and out of Ians & Co. Having a relational database I personally think will help them because it has a lot of benefits, especially when dealing with a lot of data a relational database will show its use when having to manage all the information. For example when storing all employee’s details they will not have to deal with a lot of rows packed with information, they can simple have it tidied up neatly in a primary key which links to all one person’s data. Ians & Co will be able to add data about employee’s, manipulate them after and delete if they need to. They will also be able to do small things such as locating which hardware belongs in which room/office. Problems within the hardware itself and how it can be fixed/by who.

Objects of a relational database
An entity is key in a relational database, this is because what is stored in an entity is all of the data within the actual database. For example an entity can hold crucial information to Ians & Co such as: Customer details, employee details, orders, hardware etc. I think having entities within relational databases can help the new smaller IT technician team of Ians & Co because they will

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