
Relationship And Social Development That Occurs During The Ages Of 13

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This paper will describe the relationship/social development that occurs during the ages of 13 through 19, known as adolescence (teenage years). These are the years where a teenager’s priority changes from home/family to their peers. The peer groups are a major reference point for developing personal identity along with finding values and moral judgment that may differ from what they have learned at home. With technology today dating/romantic relationships often form in the early teen years. These relationships are frequently considered to be “cyber dating” and do not normally last longer than a few months. As the teenager grows the relationship status and expectations change and can lead to sexual relationships. While priority may have …show more content…

This typically happens between the ages of 13 and 19. However, the physical and psychological changes that occur during adolescence can start earlier, during what we call the preteen or “tween” years (9 through 12). While many changes take place during these years some of the most prominent changes are that of relationships, including family, peers, and dating/romantic. These play a significant role in the development of the teenager.
The pursuit of autonomy typically begins during the adolescent years. Prior to this quest, the adolescent was receptive to their parents’ judgments, rules and guidelines and now they are questioning and often disobedient to their parents rules and views (Feldman 2013). There are three types of autonomy that the adolescent is seeking; emotional, behavioral, and value. With the emotional autonomy the teenager learns how to handle emotions, personal feelings and how to relate to people around them. Behavioral autonomy is the want to make their own decisions and follow through with actions. Value autonomy is the independent perspective on spirituality, morals and politics. During this pursuit the parent is often reluctant to let the teenager “grow up” and become independent and self-reliant, thus leading to the parent-adolescent conflict.
During the adolescent years, the parent-child relationships shift from the warmth of early childhood to more conflict (Chen & Berdan 2006).

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