
Relationship Between God And God

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Relationships are an overarching theme in the lives of everyone here on earth and beyond. They not only predict how our lives will in part proceed each day, they predict our happiness. The key to our happiness is our relationships with God and others. When relationships are based on love, as they should be, the individuals in that relationship will feel fulfilled, whereas negative social relationships such as broken or divorced couples will be huge sources of stress. Any relationship either between two or more people, or between an individual and God, has to based on love in order for that relationship to thrive.
Our relationship with God comes first in importance, as evidenced by the first and greatest commandment, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength,” followed by the second; “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” In our relationship with God, we have an obligation; to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. But the joy that we receive from this relationship is greater than anything on earth, the knowledge of our salvation, and the desires of our heart. (Ps 37:4) We also rest secure in the knowledge that the Lord has plans for us, of a future and a hope. (Jer. 29:11) Our relationship with God is attested by the fact that we have love for each other. (Jn 13:35) The Bible is replete with verses, chapters, and even books on who to spend our time with and how to spend that time. We are the only creatures God

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