
Relationship Between Religion And Science

Decent Essays

The bond between religion and science has not always been an easy connection. Many have debated whether religion and science should interact. Some believe that religion and science are compatible while others believe that religion and science are conflicting. Throughout this paper, both religion and science will be explained. The subject, definitions, and and the basic arguments of both sides concluding with my personal opinion of how religion should interact with science.

Two significant cases that helped start the science-religion debate. ‘The Italian mathematician Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) and his interaction with the Roman Catholic Church, and the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882), whose ideas led to controversies with various (mainly Protestant) theologians.’ Galileo’s ideas differed from the church which caused his case called the ‘Galileo Affair’ Galileo was famous for his adaptation sun-centered model of the solar system. Galileo’s support of the ideas of heliocentrism was seen as an offense against the church. Heliocentric books were not allowed and Galileo published one called Sidereus Nuncius which translates to Starry Messenger. Galileo was banned from teaching and spreading heliocentric ideas. He went on by explaining the theory of tides and comets. He explained how tides were evidence of the Earth’s movement. In his later years, Galileo published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems which clearly was in favor of heliocentrism. Even though Galileo was not against the church, his ideas were opposite of the church’s in his time period.

The second event that helped start the science-religion debate was the development Charles Darwin’s ideas. Darwinism is a theory that was developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin. The main point was that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to survive and and reproduce. Darwin had five theories of Darwinism. Perpetual Change is the basic theory of evolution on which the others are based stating that the world is constantly changing. Common Descent states that all forms of life descended from a common ancestor.

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