
Relationship Filtering Model Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Ellis Williams
Professor Mutua
Mini paper #2

The Relationship Filtering Model plans to represent the idea that people pay attention to different clues during conversation as they get to know each other. This model mainly uses whatever information available to make an impression of another person’s views and thoughts of the world. The order in which you pay attention to the characteristics of other people is the same way you meet them by using 4 steps: Physical Appearance, Behavior/nonverbal communication, roles, and attitudes/personality. During the Filtering model you can come across people who don’t fit all the requirements you are looking for in a relationship, but only the certain few that fit all 4 requirements become valuable friends or romantic partners for the future. Getting to know people through a step by step process will enhance the well-being of yourself by finding others who share the same values and beliefs that we cherish. During each level of the filtering model, you develop a better understanding of how other people function, and you let them into …show more content…

We both meet during my orientation at Bryant and ever since we laid eyes on one another I knew she was going to be mine. As I got to know her I realized that shared the same qualities and morals that I want for my life and the chemistry was undeniable since the first day we met. As the months went on I began to realize her true personality and jealous attitude about who I was talking to, trying to control who I was as a person because of her insecurities. Both of us knew that we moved to fast into what we thought would have been a fairy tale ending, eventually becoming an unfortunate situation for both of us, concluding a 3 month relationship that was never fully developed into a positive/loving/caring

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