
Relationships In Brave New World

Decent Essays

Our society is leaning closer towards the way personal relationships are portrayed in Brave New World every day. With the behaviors children displayed and what they once did in their free time, is a completely different process than a long time ago. The way adults pursue their dating lives is no longer conservative as it once was, but promiscuous. And, the lack of sympathy our world has as a whole is lessoning every day. All of these things give example to what The Brave New World experienced in their transition to becoming The Brave New World; and if we are not careful, we are headed in that direction. Children today are much more exposed to adulthood, forcing them to grow up quicker. We now put our children in positions where they must take care of themselves. In today’s society, many families struggle with divorce. This leads to parents fighting, dating other people, and moving around a lot to different homes. This is exposing children to things that taint their views on adulthood, leading to them trying to change it during childhood, losing their own in the process. This …show more content…

“Four-in-ten adults thought it was not a moral issue, while 12% said it was actually morally acceptable.” (Poushter). This statistic is coming from the adults today about adultery. This means, twelve percent of people think it is okay to actively cheat on their spouse with another person. This shapes the way of dating today. Adultery, sneaking around, promiscuity; these are all normal day guidelines we live by. In Brave New World, “Everyone belongs to everyone” (Huxley). They believe no two people should stay together for a prolonged amount of time. If the adults now continue to date as rapidly as they do, the next generation will be like the Brave New World. When adults move around to whomever, whenever, and do not care who gets hurt in the process, it is exhibiting the potential society

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