
Religion And Its Effects On Human Beings

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Suffering is an inevitable experience in our lives. It can be described as a personal experience of evil. Almost everyone at one point in life has to go through some kind of suffering, pain, or anguish. Suffering always provokes numerous questions, discussions, and arguments. For most people from different religions, suffering raises the question of, why would God allow evil and suffering to bear on human beings? At first, sufferers do not necessarily require explanations but over time, they need a theoretical explanation for their suffering. Individuals are left to think that no answer makes sense as to why they have to suffer in their life. We all attempt to make sense of our sufferings.
I believe that religion is a great method that can …show more content…

Suffering and tragic accidents happen because they are a test or come as a result of one’s sins. “Have the people thought that they would be left to say “We Believe” without them being tested?” (Quran 29:2). “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God 's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us,” (Bible, Romans 5:3-5).
God tests everyone, even his messengers and prophets (e.g. Adam and Eve, Abraham and his son Ismael, Job (Aayub), Joseph (Yusuf), Prophet Muhammad, and the companies of Muhammad). Also, there were entire nations or groups of people that suffered: Thamud, ‘Aad, Soldom, Madyan, and the Jewish peoples. A true believer will remain faithful throughout the tests of life. Suffering is wound into the fabric of existence; therefore, God may see who is indeed righteous. In other words, God has a reason for their suffering. God utilizes suffering to observe humans and test their character. The prophets have also suffered through these tests. The Almighty says: "Do you think that you will enter Heaven, while you have not yet suffered similar afflictions which befell those who have passed away before you? Distress and affliction befell them, and they

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