
Religious Leadership Interview Report

Decent Essays

The process of selecting a religious leader for this interview was based upon multiple factors. The candidate had to have an adequate amount of knowledge and education about their religion. As well depicts traits of a good leader such as honesty and trustworthiness. My interviewee Sandra Rodriguez was chosen because she showed exemplary characteristics of a religious leader. As well as an impressive resume with a ten month internship in the study of leadership. Also she received a certificate as a minster of gospel from New Beginnings Healing Church. Currently she is a member of the praise and worship team at her church and on the pastor mentorship team. Each one of these educational backgrounds displays her great knowledge and passion for her religion. Thus she was chosen as my candidate for this interview, which is on the topic of worship in which she …show more content…

As a result she truly did give satisfactory answers especially, in her response to the definition of worship. Which she defined worship as “a life style, that seeks to honor God first in the way think, speak and act”. My other question “is there a wrong way to worship” received rather unexpected answer. My expectation was her response was going to be there is no wrong way to worship. Instead she replied “Yes when you are not worshipping God whole heartedly, God knows our heart. This answer I found to be very insightful because it was so true, because even people who go to church and pray every day God would know if their truly worshiping him. While that answer I found to be truly exceptional her answers to my other two questions fell quite into expectation. Her response to the question “Does the style of worship matter, ie does it matter if we worship at home or church every day” allowed me to reassure my belief that praying at home is just as beneficial then at church. My final question which was what is an exceptional form of

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