
Remembering An Event

Decent Essays

1 Remembering an event

Even if people are a rather young, there are still a lot of events that individuals can remember. There are lot of changes that can place in a person’s life. Some changes are tiny and would not affect your life very much. However, other events could be very important and could change a person’s whole life. The important event that changed my life is moving to United States for staying and study here for whole life. I was sixteen years old when I arrived in United States. Then I realized …show more content…

In short time it proved me wrong. It is not easy to stay here especially when someone are from different country. I found that in Unites States everything is different like people, language, study, environment etc. At the age of sixteen, I was very stubborn. I always thought I was a perfect girl who would never make mistakes and have any faults. I did not listen to anybody even my parents. I always ignored people’s suggestions. This bad attitude caused negative effect on my life. How silly I was in my life. I started my studies in college. In the beginning of college, I felt excited and curious to be in a totally new environment.

People around me was speaking different language. In other words, majority of them had different culture and background from mine. In the initial days I didn’t understand the class. I …show more content…

For that reason I started getting really bad grades. After that suddenly I went into depression and I started missing my classes. Honestly speaking, I was at the fifth level of depression. I stopped going to college. Because of that, I lost my financial aid and got FA grade for attending classes. I was suffering from lot of financial crisis. I went to the counselor for curing my depression. But, I was not able to speak openly with my counselor and my parents. My depression started getting worst. I didn’t see any points to live anymore. I often had suicidal thoughts. There were some moments I couldn’t take anymore. My life just could not go on anymore. One day I just decided finally to just kill myself. I did not want to face my life problems anymore. I could not decide what to do. I was not able to control my depression and other issues in my life. I often had thoughts in my mind, what if my life would be different and what if to restart my life. Those thoughts just made me to decide my life to restart and kept me alive. Then, I figured out that my bad attitude just ruined my life very badly. I pushed myself to being a nice, respectful and a friendly person. I started talking with my counselor and I told about my depression openly. My counselor taught me how life is about. After five to six months I beat my depression and I came out as a new person which totally changed

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