
Representation Of Morality In Frankenstein

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Morality is a key theme represented in Frankenstein, whether discussing human nature, man's cruelty to man, or scientific morality. In specific, scientific morality is particularly pertinent when discussing the key elements of Frankenstein. In effect, the story forces one to examine Because Frankenstein is a frame story, there are three major instances in which scientific morality is called into question, twice with Victor Frankenstein and once with Captain Walton.

The first instance where the reader can view the questionability of morality in scientific discovery occurs when Victor is creating his monster. Although the book, unlike the movie, does not dive into the exact scientific processes used by Victor to reanimate a dead corpse, the reader does gather that the creature is assembled from a collection of body parts. Here we can infer that Victor has blatantly rejected certain social standards such as respect for the dead and religious expectations to accumulate these parts. This forces one to ask, does possible scientific advancement supercede society’s laws; does the end justify the means?

Perhaps the best representation of morality in this scenario is …show more content…

In this victor instance pays much more attention the consequences of creating another creature which demonstrates that his at last giving attention to the morality of what he has done. Victor comes to the conclusion that although his intentions in creating the monster a companion would be derived from a want to save humanity and those he loves from the monster's attacks, the risk of setting to demons upon humanity is too great. Victor understands that by denying the monster his request he is placing his family under great danger, but the danger to the rest of humanity, should he comply, would be far greater. This scenario

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