
Representation Of Women By Bryan Singers

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The Representation of Women in Bryan Singers X-Men
Draft Two

Bryan Singers “X-Men” (2000) was the first Hollywood superhero blockbuster made from a Marvel comic book. The film is rated 7.4 out of ten on the International Movie Database (IMDb), and has a 82% score by critics and a 83% score by audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie is based off the Marvel comic book by the same name and features a team of people with special powers fight to save the world. the first X-Men comic was published in 1963 and featured five original X-Men, including one female; Marvel Girl (a.k.a. Jean Grey), the other four are male. During the interim time the X-Men gained more female superheroes and also got given a animated TV Show; by the time the film was …show more content…

The X-Men movie franchise is based off the popular Marvel comic of the same name; This means that the narratives in the movie franchise are adapted from the narratives of the comic books; something Waterhouse-Watson and Kendal (2012) discuss while discussing Prater’s (2012) view; they say “Based on comics from the 1960s and 70s, Prater argues that the more recent films disempower the female X-men, while trying to claim an “alibi” for this sexist representation.”

It is an interesting view, highlighting how passive the audience becomes to hegemonic beliefs in a movie if the story happens to be adapted from a comic that was written roughly 40 years earlier.

What Waterhouse-Watson and Kendal (2012) were stating, about the “X-Men” film franchise, also applies to the expanded universe of comic books. Hulshof-Schmidt (2008) talks about story arcs in comic that have a negative effect on the super heroines. Hulshof-Schmidt (2008) talks about the 1980’s story arc within the “X-Men” comic book series. The story involves a female superhero who suffers a traumatic experience when she is possessed by a telepath, an experience which he (Hulshof-Schmidt, 2008) sates is “an unfortunate tendency of the comics industry to run their female characters through excessive turmoil.”

According to Prater (2012) if this story was chosen as a plot for a new film sequel, the audience would not believe that there is a

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