Chromium is a transition metal located in Group 6 of the periodic table and is steel grey in its pure form. It is the 21st most abundant element in the earths crust. It has many compounds that are colored, the most important compounds is the chromates of sodium and potassium; the dichromates; and potassium and ammonium chrome alums. Chromium was discovered by Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin in 1797. Vauquelin discovered that he could obtain metallic chromium by heating chromium oxide in a charcoal oven. Chromium can not be found as a free element in nature, it is found in the form of ores. Today, chromium can be obtained by heating the mineral chromite, which is the main ore of chromium, from the elements silicon or aluminum, or by the electrolysis
chemical element here on our own planet Earth. Though it is a rare, unreactive noble gas,
Iron is the fourth common element. It can be found in Earth's crust and core. There is an abundant amount of iron that can be found in the stars.
Chromium is not a new finding. Its original discovery was made during the 1700s when Johann Gottlob Lehmann acquired a mineral that had
Due to its stable half life, Nickel- 58 is proven to be natural. Moreover, due to it being a stable isotope, it will not go through radioactive decay. Nickel-58 can be found in the Earth’s crust (it makes up .01 -. 02 %), earth’s core and as well as meteorites where it is found coexisted with iron. Many experts believe the core is primarily made up of nickel and iron. It can also be created through fusion, the combining of of lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavy nucleus. The discovery of Nickel is a story of mistaken identity and superstition. During the 1600s, German miners were sent to find copper, but instead came upon a previously unknown nickel. Fast forward 100 years, in 1751, the Swedish alchemist, named Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt attempted to heat kupfernickel with charcoal and discovering its many properties, for instance it being white and magnetic, clearly revealing this was not copper. Cronstedt is credited as the first person to extract nickel and seperate it as a new
The world was rocked in the aftermath of World War II. The destruction left in its wake would not only have us rebuilding and piecing together our governments, cities, and economies; but our humanity as well. A humanity that was shattered in the face of consequence and a confrontation of our darkest depths of humanity; the act of war. Word of human violation spread like wildfire post world war in occupation and battle hotspots. Happenings most inane, so inhumane, they were be hard to believe that they were true. Fortunately, the spread of globalization along with the after effects of war prompted nation leaders to convene and build together a framework, a concept of Human Rights. This very act prompted Non-Governmental Organizations that watchdog and protect the interest of our basic rights to arise. The weakest and most innocent among us requires the most protection. They are our legacy and they are our future. They are our children.
Group 1- hydrogen: lightest element on the periodic table. lithium: lithium never occurs freely in nature. sodium:Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth's crust,. potassium:Potassium ions are necessary for the function of all living cells. rubidium: Rubidium has also been reported to ignite spontaneously in air. caesium:the element is only mildly toxic, it is a hazardous material as a metal and its radioisotopes present a high health risk if released into the environment. francium:Francium is the most unstable of the naturally occurring elements
Gallium is an element which was originally found in France. The city was not given to me so I am believing it was not recorded at the time. It was found by a scientist whose name was Paul Emile Lecoq. The year it was founded in was 1875. Its element symbol is Ga.
As seen on the right, Chromium is an element one may assume that it is nothing more than a disheveled piece of shiny silver. However, it is much more than that. Have you ever wondered how shiny car fenders are manufactured or perhaps what makes them so lustrous? To your surprise, or maybe not to your surprise, they are mostly made of the element Chromium! With that said, that is not the only purpose chromium serves.
In 1875, Paul-Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran has discovered an element, Gallium. This element had been discovered in the country of France. Gallium is also known as “Ga” on the periodic table.
Cyanide has been used in the mining industry for years and is used to separate gold and silver from ore; gold is resistant to cyanide which makes it easier to dissolve the surrounding minerals and in conjunction, physical extraction
The accessibility of cyanide is extremely high. In fact, cyanide is already naturally found in many plants and foods, such as cassava. From my personal experiences and knowledge, cyanide is manufactured in cigarette smoke, textiles, and plastics. Due to all of the natural and man-made items cyanide is found in, it would seem too easy to gather a large quantity.
Selenium is a color of gray. Berzelius discovered selenium in 1817. Selenium is a chemical element with symbol Se and atomic number 34. The atomic mass of selenium is 78.96 the, melting point is 429.5 degrees F. In Fact, Some of the most important physical characteristics of selenium are its electrical properties. Also, Selenium is not produced in the body, but it is needed for proper thyroid and immune system function. Selenium is used to treat or prevent selenium deficiency and selenium is in some foods such as as whole grains, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and seafood.Selenium is known as an essential element which means it is essential for life in some species, including humans. The most stable form,crystalline selenium, is metallic gray.
Associated with Hell and suffering, the word brimstone possesses an almost mythological nuance. In reality, brimstone is simply an element- specifically sulfur. When reduced to chemical makeup, brimstone loses its traditional implication surrounding eternal damnation. Sulfur exists in everyday objects, such as matches, and even in foods such as cruciferous vegetables and coconut products. However, this substance is still an integral ingredient to destructive forces such as fireworks and volcanoes. In order to understand this complex element, the chemical makeup and historical uses of sulfur must be analyzed. Then, the references in the Bible to brimstone may be understood deeper.
Chromium has an atomic number of 24, and is considered to be a transition metal.
Elemental gallium is not found in nature. However, it is often found to be present in trace amounts in minerals such as diaspore, sphalerite, germanite, bauxite, and coal. Its main source of production is as a byproduct of zinc refining. It can also be obtained through electrolysis of a solution made of gallium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. It has two stable