
Research Paper On Invisalign Dentist

Decent Essays

Now, we can say good bye to teeth problems, and good bye even to those ugly metal braces. Introducing, Invisalign treatment, an invisible teeth straightening process without the need of dental braces. Invisalign treatment involves a series of clear, removable teeth aligners, without metal wires or brackets. The specifications of the Invisalign aligners are calculated by your invisalign dentists/orthodontists, and are manufactured specifically to help shift /shape your teeth into place. And since these aligners are custom-made; you can get the smile you have always wanted. In fact, this technologically advanced dental treatment has been proven to be effective in clinical research and in orthodontic practices nationwide. In fact, over 70% of …show more content…

First, the invisalign dentist takes impressions of your teeth (or X-rays, photographs etc), to give the aligners the custom fit. Then these are sent to the Align Dental Technology, the makers of Invisalign. Once these impressions are processed at their labs and other intricacies taken care of, a bunch of aligners for each stage of the treatment are shipped to your Invisalign dentist. Each set of aligners are meant to be worn for 2 weeks, removed only to eat, drink, brush and floss. As you change the aligner set at the interval of 2 weeks, your teeth move and take shape little by little, until they are straightened to the desired position that you and your dentist decided. Normally, this process takes about 9 to 15 months. It is recommended that during this tenure, one should visit the dentist once every 6 weeks to ensure that the treatment is progressing as planned and there are no …show more content…

The first one being a cosmetic one, as no one can detect them thanks to the invisibility of the aligners. Also, Invisalign aligners are easily removable, and this reduces the number of restrictions on food consumption. Not only that, as it is a computerized process, the customers can actually picture their desired smile and work on that goal with the help of their Invisalign dentists. There are lesser side effects as compared to traditional braces, which affect the gums, supporting tissues and the roots. This treatment also takes lesser time to align the teeth as compared to the conventional metal braces. Another big advantage of Invisalign treatment is that if you are unsatisfied with the final teeth position, you can order new aligners that are usually included in the originally quoted cost. This process is called

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