
Research Paper On Paranoia

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Nobody ever wants to type the dreaded three numbers, 911, into the landline keypad. Two weeks ago, on Thursday night, my mom and sister left for hockey practice, leaving me alone. Paranoia is always a factor when I’m home alone, but this time it was a reality.
While watching TV, I hear footsteps outside, a knock on the door, and the doorbell ring, then another knock. Naturally, I run upstairs and look out the window in order to see who is there. A truck with flashing yellow lights is parked in the road, and a stout man holding a flashlight is looking in the back of the truck. To be safe, I call my mom, and ask her if she is expecting someone. She replies with a curious no, and asks, “Why?” While I am in the midst of telling her the situation, the flashlight beams through my bedroom window, sending chills up my spine, and causing my heart to drop. …show more content…

Somehow, my mom manages to calm me down just a little bit, and tells me to call 911. My response is typical, “I can’t! You do it! Please!” “You have to do it,” my mom replies sternly.
Freaked out, I obey and dial the numbers with shaky hands and press talk. Meanwhile, I lock myself in the bathroom as the man dressed in black walks through my yard and disappears around the corner of my house. Eyes wide open, I wonder where he is going? Is he trying to break into the basement? Why does he have a truck?
“911, what’s your emergency?”
My breathing speeds up and I start rambling about the situation, “My name is Lizzie Gilmartin, there’s someone walking through my yard, and I don’t feel

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