Nobody ever wants to type the dreaded three numbers, 911, into the landline keypad. Two weeks ago, on Thursday night, my mom and sister left for hockey practice, leaving me alone. Paranoia is always a factor when I’m home alone, but this time it was a reality.
While watching TV, I hear footsteps outside, a knock on the door, and the doorbell ring, then another knock. Naturally, I run upstairs and look out the window in order to see who is there. A truck with flashing yellow lights is parked in the road, and a stout man holding a flashlight is looking in the back of the truck. To be safe, I call my mom, and ask her if she is expecting someone. She replies with a curious no, and asks, “Why?” While I am in the midst of telling her the situation, the flashlight beams through my bedroom window, sending chills up my spine, and causing my heart to drop.
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Somehow, my mom manages to calm me down just a little bit, and tells me to call 911. My response is typical, “I can’t! You do it! Please!” “You have to do it,” my mom replies sternly.
Freaked out, I obey and dial the numbers with shaky hands and press talk. Meanwhile, I lock myself in the bathroom as the man dressed in black walks through my yard and disappears around the corner of my house. Eyes wide open, I wonder where he is going? Is he trying to break into the basement? Why does he have a truck?
“911, what’s your emergency?”
My breathing speeds up and I start rambling about the situation, “My name is Lizzie Gilmartin, there’s someone walking through my yard, and I don’t feel
Fear a powerful emotion, once it is born it is merely impossible for it to perish. Fear corrupts, tortures, and haunts all. Humans have a horror encrypted into their core. With the power of holding one's fear forms the feeling of paranoia leading to the most holiest power of all, control. Throughout history paranoia has been used to control mass populations and indoctrinate their mind. A common example of this, is the reign of Joseph Stalin; dictator of the Soviet Union who used the paranoia of death and being sent to concentration camp to control his citizens and sustain power. George Orwell, a man who recognized this demoralizing form of dictatorship and was terrified, of what might come if no one rebelled against this. Furthermore he
The foundation for any relationship- whether it be that between parent and child, husband and wife or even teacher and student- is trust. To some, this trust may come as naturally as breathing. To others however, trust is a foreign, abstract concept that they severely lack and have trouble comprehending. This lack of trust has been labeled a disorder by the name of the paranoid disorder (paranoia). People who are afflicted with paranoia, are constantly wary of others and forever engulfed in suspicion that those around them are always plotting something antagonistic towards them. Although they may think and act differently however, they should not be discriminated against due to the fact that many of those afflicted are in fact harmless and are affected by the misconception of the public.
Fear is a feeling induced by experience, perceived danger, or watching a frightening traumatic accident. The fear responses arise from the perception of danger and ultimately a change in behaviour, such as fleeing, or hiding or from perceived traumatic events. Every person has fears and different fears may be different adaptations that have been useful in our evolutionary past. I have fears too, and sometime, I feel embarrassed to intersperse my fear with others.
Seven and fifth century BC, Greece contained some of the most prepossessing and enchanting forms of art ever made. The most common where statues, vases, temples and marble friezes. Greeks took inspiration from ancient egyptian art, as that can be clearly see in all there artwork. Unlike the Egyptians however, the Greeks looked for new ways to represent the human figure. They would take into account different angles as to how an object can be seen, by simply following the rules of the egyptians and using their own freedom and imagination, and with this, the greeks achieved harmony, beauty, and simplicity within their work.
Schizoid personality disorder is among the “Cluster A” group of personality disorders because of the unusual behavior such as social withdrawal or other eccentric acts. People with this disorder are emotionally stagnant while also choosing to be socially isolated; generally classified as “loners”. This specific type of personality disorder is not very common.
My task was done so I retired to my room for a moment. The monsters were in the kitchen, most likely touching our scattered items. Just milliseconds away from placing my hand on the door knob, I heard an ear shattering scream followed by a small voice squealing “My eye! My eye!” They’re kids, they’re probably just playing. Did he hit her with something? Do I even want to go in there? Is her eye gone? My hand placed itself on the door knob. My fingertips felt like static white noise on a T.V. I worked up the courage to open the door. I ran to the scene and I witnessed my mother violently splashing water in the girl’s face. My father, the two men, and the little boy were all standing in the doorway watching and then monster number one begins hysterically laughing. I grabbed the sinister little child by the shoulder and spun him around and catechized. I asked him what happened but he kept laughing. My legs moved before my mind told them to. They stepped over to the wailing girl and my sporadic mother. My hands reached up to her head where it moved to soothe her. As my lungs were taking in slow deep breaths they began to hitch. My eyes pooled with water and my throat began to sear. Found the strong desire to cough. I announced that there was something in the air. After more investigation, the sound jingling of keys catches my attention. My father raises the lanyard, which has my car keys, and after close
Once I got to the door I banged the door a little hard in frustration. After nobody answered the door, I decided to leave. Here’s the turning point of the story. Little did I know, a little bulky rock was lying in front of the stairs? I stepped on it. After about half a second, I let out a giant roar and started tumbling down the stairs. Somehow, while falling my very tiny ankle got stuck in between two rough stone/ concrete stairs. Once I realized what just happened, I let out a humongous ear piercing screech. “AHHHHHH! Mom, please come and get me! Ahhhhhh! Please someone help!” In a matter of two seconds, big droopy tears flooded my eyes and poured down my face. To give you an image of what my ankle looks like in between the stairs, picture a piece of
Look to your left, then to your right if there is indeed someone standing or sitting next to you, that person perhaps may have a phobia or better known as a fear. Most people would probably say something along the line of, “I don't have a fear...” or they might even say, “Nothing in this entire world scares me...”. Each and every person on this vast, floating planet has a fear whether they know it or not. Most of the time when someone has a phobia or a fear, it is completely irrational and can be overcome or even eliminated for good.
My heart beat increases and I start to breathe fast, shallow breaths. I clutch at my chest, It feels like my life is coming to an end.
Known as a mental disorder a phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. Phobias tend to affect the way people live their lives, for example, their working and social environments, considering that they last for a very long time and are capable to cause intense psychological physical stress. It is considered today the most common mental and anxiety disorder in the United States (Matig Mavissakalian & David H. Barlow 1981 pp 2). There are many phobias such as: the fear of aging, fear of changing, fear of clowns, fear of getting fat, fear of being in closed spaces, etc.
Now one thing is clear that anxiety is before nothing and that makes it different from fear. it is different from fear because fear has an object. In the case of fear through definitive measures one can remove that particular object of fear but in case of anxiety in the case of angst, no such definitive measures are possible. Because there is no particular object to remove. We are free to choose and also responsible of our decision and have to face the consequences of that decision. No one is responsible for their action if something goes wrong. Although, it is not possible that every choice results dreadful beacause in that condition it is very difficult to make choices. However, it is a fact that freedom remains a condition of every action.
Definition: Phobia disorders are characterized by persistent, irrational fear of places, situations, or objects that are believed to provoke the person’s fears. Phobias often interfere with the person’s life or work performance. There are different types of phobia disorders; the most common form of phobia is social phobia, in which the person is afraid of being embarrassed in a social situation. Also some phobias are labeled specific, meaning people have an out of proportion fear of specific things.
I speedily ran back to my room. I donned my slippers and my winter coat, and placed a winter cap on my head. I grabbed my massive flashlight and headed out of the door. I happened to look at my clock and stopped dead in my tracks. The clock read 2 o’clock on the mark. I stood there, dazedly staring at the clock. I turned the light on in my room and ran out into the hallway. I ran through the entire house flipping on lights madly looking for anything I could find. There was nothing, absolutely nothing that would help me find my mom. I ran out onto the porch and stared out into the pitch black night. What was happening? I walked to the edge of the clearing that our house sat on and followed the driveway for awhile. Suddenly my flashlight died and I found myself totally enclosed in darkness. I began to shake. I walked forward, or what I thought was forward, until I tripped and fell. I groped around and found that I was completely surrounded by trees. I got up and walked back the way I thought I had come. I tripped again and tore my pants. I got back up and stumbled like this in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. I wandered for what seemed like hours. Suddenly I heard a sound. I stopped dead
I had been having a great time with family in Yuma, Arizona over the Christmas holiday, and it was time to relax for a minute. It was the usual food, fun, and chaos in the house. Cousins were running everywhere and there was always a game being played at the kitchen table. It was the morning of December 28, 2012 and I lazily took my time in getting up. I was enjoying my momentary solitude in the apartment behind my in-laws house. Everyone else was across the backyard in the house eating breakfast and no doubt a game was underway at the kitchen table. As I lay on my cot, thoughts wandering all over the place, I heard sirens but didn’t take any notice, after all I hear sirens all the time where I live in Mesa. They still never registered as they got louder and louder. A few minutes later, my oldest son Daniel rushed into the apartment. “Mom, Uncle Damond passed out! The paramedics are here!”
Many people ask, “What is hysteria?” According to, the exact definition is: an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, often characterized by irrationality, laughter, weeping, etc. As well, there is a psychological answer for hysteria. Many psychologists state that hysteria can range from numbness to paralysis as well as vomiting to erectile dysfunction. With that being said, many people know hysteria as the state when people become irrational. Throughout history, there have been many cases of hysteria, one of the most well-known being the Salem witch trials. There have been more recent cases of mass hysteria. With the year 1999 coming to an end, many worried and in their panic launched the world into believing