
Research Paper On Polar Bears

Decent Essays

Polar bears are extravagant animals and extremely large. The polar bears native range is within the Arctic Circle surrounding the Arctic Ocean. Since these animals spend most of their life on the sea ice they depend on it, and therefore are classified as marine mammals. Polar bears have many body characteristics adapted for the extremely cold climate they live in and have evolved to full-fill their role in the ecosystem, their main diet is seal and they catch them by standing on the edge of the sea ice.
An adult polar bear is called a (boar) and weighs around 772 pounds to 1,543 pounds and can be 7 ft 10 in. - 9 ft 10 in. in height, an adult female is called a (sow) and generally weighs about half the size of a boar and is 5 ft 11 in. – 7 ft 10 in. in height, these large animals have adapted not only for the cold temperatures but also for moving across the snow, ice and open water. Polar bears are insulated by 4in of adipose tissue also known as blubber, and their fur consists of 2 layers, the outer layer consists of guard hairs that are transparent but appear to be white to tan and the second layer consists of an extremely dense underfur. They have 42 teeth that reflect their highly carnivorous diet. …show more content…

These bears have an excellent sense of smell which helps them locate a seal breathing hole. When a bear locates a breathing hole, they crouch nearby in silence and wait for a seal to appear, they may lay and wait for several hours. When the bear smells the breath it then reaches into the hole and grabs the seal. Polar bears also have another hunting tactic, which is stalking the seals while there on the ice, when spotting a seal, they will stay about 100 yards away and crouch, if the seal doesn’t notice, the bear will silently get closer to about 30-40ft from the seal then suddenly rushes to attack. The third hunting method is to raid the birth lairs the female seals create in the

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