
Reservation Schools

Decent Essays

Reservation schools today are well under the quality of provincial schools. The aboriginal dropout rate is significantly higher than ours would be. This is happening because their schools aren’t as advanced as they should be. Yes, Aboriginals get a lot of money set out for them, but is it being used right? Many people are going to say it is and that they don’t need any more money, but after reading this paper your mindset will change. Aboriginal schools are underfunded, low quality, and have huge dropout rates.
Research shows that Aboriginals are funded approximately $2000 less per student than everyone else. Provincial schools get funded a lot more than reservation schools do. How is this fair you may ask? The answer is that it isn’t fair. Aboriginals are fighting for more money for their schools. They have schools, isn’t that good enough, you may say? Well no its not, if your kid was in a school that didn’t have money for computers or proper books you wouldn’t be happy either. Not many people want to teach on reserve as they’ll be making less money than off-reserve. Also, there is no funding to provide those kids with library books or sports.
We hear a lot of people complain about the amount of First Nations …show more content…

The high school graduation rate for First Nations is at 31%, while the non-aboriginal graduation rate is 72%. It is said that 7 in 10 First Nations won’t graduate from highschool. People think low of Aboriginals because they drop out of school and get themselves into trouble, but they never think about how we could prevent this from happening. Some First Nations are dropping out because they feel that their culture isn’t being supported. Non-Aboriginals get to learn about their cultures and go to schools that support them, but they don’t. They feel like people are trying to change them. They don’t want to go somewhere they don’t feel accepted for being

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